Welcome to Noah's Home Page

Noah's Home Page is full of weather, astronomy, science and other links.

As you may know, the World Wide Web is full of stuff on any topic. These are some of my favorite places to go on The Web:

The Weather Channel has weather & ski forecasts, maps & much more: Weather

AVID is a top-of-the-line digital video editing system for the Mac. AVID

Speaking of the Mac, here is Apple's Web Site. Apple

If you are interested in the new Biosphere 2 project, click here: Biosphere

And then, of course, there are the Macarena web sites. You can find lyrics, .WAV files, translations, and almost anything else you would want to know about the Macarena. There are many, so I will give some of them to you, by topic:

  • The English translation
  • The complete and unabridged Spanish lyrics Macarena Man
    The Macarena Machine is a program that takes the Macarena and divides it into sections, and allows you to play the sections separately.
  • The Macarena Machine
  • This site is a combination of all these things, and more!
  • This site has some .AU, .WAV and .MID sounds of the Macarena.
  • The If you have suggestions on sites to add, feel free to e-mail me.

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